Who are we?
The Group, which began its operations in the Health Industry on November 4, 1997, made a significant contribution to the development of the private health sector, international competition, and the creation of new sites and service areas in our country in the early 2,000 years. We strive to provide high-quality and uninterrupted healthcare services to every corner of Turkey with the “service offerings” we offer both with our private businesses and within the State and University Hospitals. We are proud to be part of the largest turnkey hospital campuses projects in the world with our vast experience in Service Procurement and Service Customization. We have become one of the largest medical representatives of the “National and Local” production principle. We are one of the most important players in the medical industry in Turkey with our Injector Plant, Blood Tube Factory, Serum Set Plant and other medical materials centers. The medical materials we produce satisfy the needs of our country and eliminate our foreign dependency in this area and make a significant contribution to our country’s economy with our export potential. In healthcare, our presence has strengthened with many projects both in Turkey and abroad, and the SILA brand has become one of the world’s leading names in this field. This project and our achievements have given us justifiable pride, and have created one of the important indicators of our country’s place in health care.
We are continuing this journey, which we embarked on in 1997, by expanding our objectives.
We produce for our country and share our experiences with the world.
We believe that we do the hard thing, but the right thing, and we will never lose this faith…

Our Mission
Today, more than 250 employees at home and abroad, including doctors,
engineers, programmers, and social service specialists, have been able to speak
in all areas of health. They contributed greatly to vital projects and investments
in the private sector and the public.
Our Vision
Our wish is to protect the trust that the companies that work with us are
at the right address while walking into the future in greater and stronger steps.